Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Hs-CRP may be used as a Biomarker for Fibromyalgia, Suggest New Study

What is hs-CRP and why is it important for fibromyalgia?

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein that is produced by the liver in response to inflammation or infection. It can be measured in the blood to assess the level of inflammation in the body. A high CRP level can indicate a variety of diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or infections.

However, CRP is not very sensitive, meaning that it can miss low-grade inflammation that is present in some chronic conditions, such as fibromyalgia. That's why doctors use a more sensitive version of the test, called hs-CRP, which can detect even very small amounts of CRP in the blood.

Studies have shown that people with fibromyalgia tend to have higher levels of hs-CRP than healthy controls, suggesting that there is some degree of inflammation involved in this condition. Moreover, hs-CRP levels correlate with the severity of fibromyalgia symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, and sleep problems.

How can hs-CRP help diagnose and monitor fibromyalgia?

There is no definitive test for fibromyalgia, and diagnosis is based on clinical criteria that include widespread pain for at least three months and the presence of tender points on physical examination. However, these criteria are subjective and can vary from person to person and from day to day.

That's why some researchers have proposed using hs-CRP as a biomarker for fibromyalgia, meaning a measurable indicator that can help confirm or rule out the diagnosis. A biomarker would also help monitor the progression of the disease and the response to treatment.

However, hs-CRP is not specific for fibromyalgia, and it can be elevated in other conditions that cause inflammation or infection. Therefore, it cannot be used alone to diagnose fibromyalgia, but rather as an adjunct to clinical criteria. Also, hs-CRP levels can vary depending on factors such as age, gender, weight, smoking status, and medication use. Therefore, it is important to interpret hs-CRP results in the context of each individual patient.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of hs-CRP testing?

The main advantage of hs-CRP testing is that it is a simple, inexpensive, and widely available blood test that can provide objective information about the level of inflammation in fibromyalgia patients. It can also help identify patients who might benefit from anti-inflammatory treatments, such as low-dose naltrexone or omega-3 fatty acids.

The main disadvantage of hs-CRP testing is that it is not specific for fibromyalgia and it can be influenced by many factors that are not related to the condition. Therefore, it cannot replace clinical criteria for diagnosis or treatment decisions. It also does not reflect other aspects of fibromyalgia, such as central sensitization or neurotransmitter imbalance.


hs-CRP is a blood test that measures the level of inflammation in the body. It can be useful for diagnosing and monitoring fibromyalgia, but it has limitations and should be used with caution. If you have fibromyalgia or suspect you might have it, talk to your doctor about whether hs-CRP testing is appropriate for you.

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